Small ways to spend less

04 August 2015

After a holiday, a big celebration and with a few changes happening at work, I figured that now would be a good time to spend less and focus on saving. So far it's meant a handful of small changes and a couple of fun discoveries too. Here are three things I've been doing, including a few habits I picked up from friends:

1. Using my local library

The library in town is excellent and I always check the catalogue if there's something specific I want to read or watch. So far they've had everything I've been after, including some really new releases, cookbooks and documentaries. I've also just started using Zinio for library to download free magazines, which is especially great because magazines are my weakness. I'm using BorrowBox too for free e-books and audiobooks. I've just finished listening to Kevin Kwan's Crazy Rich Asians at Kristy's suggestion, it was really fun and great for the nights when I'm home alone.

2. Doing the big shop at Aldi 

I'm way behind on this one mainly because my office is in walking distance of Woolworths. We've switched from going to the supermarket most days (!) to trying do a weekly shop at Aldi and buying in bulk even if it means spending a bit more up front. In terms of saving, it only works if I avoid all of the random stuff in the middle of the store, including all the Peppa Pig items I could be buying for my niece!

3. Coffee at home

Buying a bag of coffee beans means we're able to stay in our pajamas for longer on the weekend and resist the temptation to go out for breakfast. Lately I've been making these cheesy egg sandwiches and I'm keen to try these orange ricotta choc chip pancakes :)

If you've got any great tricks for saving money, I'd love to hear them!


  1. Make your own bread ;-)
    You know if the library doesn't have what you want you can request they purchase it.

    1. Amy told me the exact same thing, so guess what I requested? The Bread & Butter book that you lent me! I still have the photocopies but would love to flip through the real thing again. Fingers crossed they can get it in!

  2. Ha ha Sonya, I have requested that book, too! Making your own sourdough pizza bases is a great way of saving money. My kids prefer a bought base to plain Lebanese bread, but starter, flour and water is much, much cheaper than either of those, and so much more delicious. We have a coffee machine at work, and that saves me lots of money, as does always packing my own lunch.

    1. Thanks for requesting it!! My favourite pizza dough recipe is a Donna Hay one, it's super easy and doesn't need much rising time: Maybe you could add sourdough to it?

  3. Taking your own lunch and unsubscribing from instagram feeds and emails from shops that are SO TEMPTING!

  4. Cycling saves a fortune - I save almost the cost of a coffee each day that I cycle. The less cool one is that I'm pretty fastidious in comparing power companies. Forget the upfront discounts they offer, it's all about the unit price of the electricity itself - you save hundreds over a year if you cut a few cents off each kwhour.

  5. We heartily endorse the above comments about using your local library! And yes, we have little blue purchase suggestion forms anyone can fill in, if we don't have what you want in stock.

    (plus, if you're environmentally conscious, remember that your local library is the ultimate recycler.)
