It's been so nice to feel excited and not stressed about the future again, post-move. I suddenly have time for unnecessary things, like making Alison Roman's key lime pie. I treated it like a project and bought the exact pie plate she recommended, re-watched the video, then missed the plate when serving a slice 😂
We're slowly hanging art, including two poems we brought home from our New York honeymoon, which we've never actually hung (I framed them for our first wedding anniversary... six years ago!). And after more than a year of WFH, I finally bought myself an office chair that looks nice too.
Still to come... finishing this book (which reminds me a bit of Sorrow and Bliss), making slightly bigger plans in an XXL Moleskin I bought while procrastinating, re-watching Your Name before it gets made into a live action film and taking more week-long Instagram breaks to make room for other things.