Life lately

07 December 2015

Today I thought I'd share a few photos of our new home, and a little update of what has been happening since we moved from Wagga Wagga to Canberra.

It's nearly two weeks since we moved and things are beginning to settle down. Now it feels more like we're living in a functioning home and it's really lovely. Also - no more trips to IKEA for now - yay!

We love our new place, it feels much cosier than our last home and it's right by an amazing bakery and the lake too. Things that immediately made it feel like home - putting down my watermelon doormat, setting up my plants on the balconies (there are two giant ones!) and baking my first loaf of bread.

I'm still learning names at work and my way around town but things are starting to feel less daunting and more manageable. New things I'm loving - cycling around the city with Tony (especially if we're riding to gelato), checking out new cafes and markets, and working in an office with a weekly bake off.

I set a goal to ride to work within my first fortnight and did it today. It's about an eight kilometre ride each way, or slightly longer if you're still memorising the route :) And I know I'm missing my Wagga Wagga friends because whenever we discover something new and great, I make a mental note for when they come to visit.


  1. Looks cute Sonya. Canberra is a much more manageable road trip for me. Yay xx

  2. Canberra looks pretty good. You'll miss Wagga, but I think you'll be OK.
