Wendy's classic cheesecake

08 July 2015

We're up to sentimental cake number six, which happens to be a lemon cheesecake that Tony and I shared on our first date. The recipe belongs to my mother-in-law Wendy and it's simple to make and is creamy without being too heavy.

I first sampled it when Tony and I had just started going out. We'd met up after uni one day and spent a whole afternoon and evening together - stopping for tea, walking to the art gallery and then onto a movie (No Country For Old Men !!), a dumpling dinner and then to Tony's house to watch The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.

Tony happened to have two slices of cheesecake in the fridge, leftover from his brother's birthday. His mum had made it and a year or two later, she passed on the recipe to me. I made it over Easter to mark the first day of Tony's exhibition and successfully hid it in the fridge beneath a tea towel :)

Wendy's classic cheesecake

You'll need:

1 packet of Nice biscuits
125g butter, melted
250g cream cheese, room temperature 
395g can of sweetened condensed milk
2 lemons, juiced

Here's how:

To make the crust, crush the biscuits in a food processor and mix in the melted butter. Press the mixture into a 10 inch cheesecake tin and put in the freezer to set. I use my mum's trick of squashing the mixture into the tin using the bottom of a drinking glass :)

To make the cheesecake mix, blend the cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk and lemon juice together. If you have Kitchen Aid, the whipping attachment does this really well. Pour into your cheesecake tin and refrigerate to set.

And just a tip:

For Easter I decorated the edge with mini dinosaur eggs. Strawberries and blueberries would look cute too. Also, don't go for light cream cheese whatever you do. Apparently it doesn't set properly because the fat content is too low.

P.S - Catch up on all of the recipes to date here.

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