Colourful packed lunch

06 May 2015

With a tiny bit of planning, I ended up packing a really good lunchbox the other day. It contained:

zucchini muffin. I make a batch every fortnight or so for emergency snacks, they freeze really well. A friend at work likes to poke fun at me because I need to eat every two hours and tend to dig into my lunch right on noon. Don't substitute the spelt flour in this recipe, it makes the muffins moist.

This cookbook reintroduced me to shaker fries. Basically, you cut up a sweet potato (potato or eggplant) into little strips, chuck the fries into a zip lock bag and add salt and pepper, paprika, olive oil and a few cloves of garlic. Shake well before tipping the fries onto a baking tray. Roast at 180 degrees celsius until they smell done. 

My friend Sophie served some Sunburst cherry tomatoes the other week at lunch and now I'm obsessed. They're Fanta coloured and sweet.

And not pictured is the iced chocolate beetroot brownie that I ate before lunch, it was meant to be my lunch dessert. 

P.S I love this lunchbox interview series, this one is my favourite, although it makes me desperately want a segmented lunchbox to take to work. 

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