Long weekend links

10 June 2016

I might be a hand pie convert because despite the funny name, they're much quicker to make than a proper apple pie and just as yum. These ones are apple :) I hope you have a lovely long weekend ahead. Tony's working in Wagga and I'm babysitting my sourdough starter, which is as silly as it sounds. I'm going to read lots (I'm midway through this book, it's really fun), make cookies and find a few new winter things to wear to work. See you next week!

Sometimes only giant (choc chip) cookies will do.

A fun radio interview with Joy the Baker (from 25 minutes).

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator.

Goose down mittens.

Fran Kelly has a song for you  via Laura.

A short guide to email sign offs (so guilty of 'Best').

A super sweet mini-wallet.

The cautionary tale of Mama Chill.

Another excellent podcast recommendation from my friend Sean - The Rhino Hunter.

And this: 'By the way, he's really good at swimming.'

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