Aunt life: Unexpected presents

27 July 2016

When I first became an aunt, I found myself buying little presents for my niece all the time. Now I've started to receive a few presents for being an aunt, who knew there was such a thing?

My friend Vanessa gave me the cutest polka dotted overnight bag and a beautiful picture book when she passed through Canberra with her little boy (who was wearing his winter jumper!), and my sister and brother-in-law sent me home from my Sydney stay with the biggest box of fancy soaps and creams.

Speaking of surprise gifts, when I went to the Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera show I picked up the catalogue for my sister because I knew she'd love the exhibition but might not get a chance to visit with a tiny baby. And for her little artist, I couldn't resist the Frida Kahlo book from the Little People, Big Dreams series.

And one more aunty thing that I know but sometimes forget - it is so nice to visit nieces and nephews at home. You get to see them in their own environment and they're often the most comfortable and happy. Everybody wins.

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