Weekend links

26 January 2018

Hello! Here are a few things that happened this week: I played snap with my niece and nephew (so cute!), managed a new pose in yoga, and started chilling my favourite herbal tea to take to work. It's been a fast and productive week... and now we're on holidays again. We'll head to the coast in a few days, where we have a surfing lesson booked (!!) and I plan to make prawn rolls :)

Before then, we'll see some friends for a pizza dinner and celebrate my sister and brother-in-law's birthday (they share the same day!). I'll be making Amy's famous Malteaser cake. I hope you have a wonderful long weekend. Here are my picks for the week:

A week in New Zealand - a living guide.

Five things male allies can do to sponsor women and underrepresented people at work.

I have three podcast recommendations this week. First up, I'm really enjoying the Slow Burn podcast. It's about the untold or smaller stories around Watergate. It sounds nerdy but it's compelling storytelling and funny in parts too!

On the other end of the spectrum, I sampled the Layers podcast after seeing it on Jessica's Instagram stories. It's a British style podcast that's thoughtful and surprising, with excellent theme music too. Start with Encounters.

I texted Tony and a close friend about Hurry Slowly, which is about pacing yourself in life, at work and in creative pursuits. Tony loved the empathy episode, my bud sampled the episode on walking and I started with this one. I have a lot more control over my work days this year, so am listening extra keenly.

Some lovely things for soon-to-be parents - six months with Marigold (I loved this!), plus pregnancy-life-savers.

For those of us waiting to celebrate with them - things to make and do for new parents. My favourite suggestion is a loaf of homemade bread with fancy butter :)

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