Zoning out with...

01 August 2018

What do you do when you're in the mood for a major distraction?

I've been escaping with my favourite adventure blog, The Importance of Elsewhere. It's written by Kasey Koopman, who is currently hiking and posting updates from the Continental Divide Trail (CDT), which crosses US five states and runs between Mexico and Canada (!!).

I love her musings from solo hiking - there are lots of life lessons among her descriptions of trekking through snow, climbing through fallen tree trunks... and keeping an eye out for bears. Plus, the photos are out of this world. If you're curious, I recommend going back to day 1 of her current hike.

While I've never been on a long walk (or slept in a tent!), reading Kasey's daily updates somehow makes me feel a tiny bit more adventurous and capable. It also takes me out of my day-to-day, and gives me a little perspective, especially when work gets busy.

And if you're curious about how she hikes and maintains a blog... I asked her about it a couple of years ago when she started posting her blog from the Pacific Crest Trail, made famous by the book Wild.

P.S - An easy stress buster and night rituals for big days.

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